You want the best outcomes for your patients...


...and you also want to maintain the passion you have for birth & nursing.


I help labor, delivery & postpartum nurses AND their organizations understand that knowledge, advocacy and connecting with our professional identity is the way to achieve these goals.

The #1 thing nurses share with me are worries around lawsuits.

And with so much on our plates, that’s the last thing we should be thinking about.

We should be able to feel good taking care of our patients.

In the cases I review, I see the same themes come up over and over again. And they probably aren't what you think they are or what you've learned in risk-management classes.

Let me help you focus on the things that actually keep patients safe.

Sign up for the Twice Monthly Newsletter!!!

*1st of the month: An escape room and top articles to read šŸ¤©

*Mid-Month: Birth Nurse Hotlineā˜Žļø...*ring-ring*get answers to your burning questions on fetal monitoring, pitocin, documentation, and nursing malpractice

You’ve got patients to care for.

And they are your focus; but I see the same concerns coming up with the nurses I work with again and again:

What if I get sued?

How can I protect myself and my practice?

I heard [insert some random and very wrong piece of risk management advice]...?

My courses will help shine a light on the lawsuit process, and show you how confidently providing excellent patient care is the best way you can worry-proof your practice.

Get started by downloading my free guide!

A Print and Share Documentation Cheat-Sheet

Who I help:

You're a bedside nurse. 

Check out my online courses, live classes & bookshop. 


You're a nurse in leadership.

Get help with policy and procedure review, targeted education and program development.

You've got a course/event/podcast.

Guest teaching, speaking, podcast or helping with nursing contact hours.


Hey, it's Jen!

Labor and Delivery Nurse, Clinical Educator, Speaker, Patient and Nurse Advocate, Consultant on Standard of Care.

With over 17 years of unique experiences in nursing and consulting,Ā I've seen the same patient safety & legal themes come up over and over again. And they're not what you think they are! Because keeping our moms and babies safe is always our first priority, IĀ needed toĀ make this information available to all nurses!

So what you really want to know is, why should you listen to me?Ā 

Here's what I've got going:

Expert Witness:
Iā€™ve reviewedĀ hundreds of cases in 30+ different states.Ā Iā€™ve been deposedĀ dozens of times and readĀ thousands of nurse depositions. I know the main blindspots nurses and hospitals have that lead to patient injuries and lawsuits.

National and Regional Conference Speaker:
Iā€™ve been invited to present multiple times at the National AWHONN and National American Association of Justice Conferences on this very topic, as well as at the Pacific Perinatal Groups Annual Conferences.

AWHONN Fetal Monitoring Instructor Trainer:
Iā€™ve taught this course, and others, for hundreds of students. My average instructor rating is 4.98/5ā€¦that means I donā€™t put my students to sleep! And being a Designated Instructor means I can help other nurses become AWHONN Instructors also.

Hospital Consultant:
I provide policy review and revision, targeted education and consulting for hospitals nationwide. I specialize in working with small or rural and suburban facilities that maybe donā€™t have the resources of a large center.

Clinical Educator:
I've successfullyĀ implemented Ā R-Nurse (resuscitation nurse), fetal-monitoring, and quarterly in-situ simulation programs at my home hospitalĀ (even with total staff buy-in and on a minimal budget)!Ā Ā 

Staff nurse:
Yup! Iā€™m still at the bedside every single week! In myĀ clogs with loads of hot, sweaty PPE.

Not really, but I did play a nurse once in a movie! Check out my IMDB page.

See adjacent photo!


“Jen Atkisson is an enlightening and engaging speaker. She is committed to improving the quality of care provided to mothers and babies in America.”

Emily Grace Thomas | Birth Injury & Med-Mal Attorney 

"I loved the dialogue in the class amongst other team members. Jen helped us to be able to talk through issues that have come up in the past in a non-threatening way. The course was great! ”

Fetal Monitoring Class Attendee

"Jen’s expertise and passion for the subject is inspirational! Great attitude, non-threatening, exciting learning environment. I appreciated the many references to evidence based practice articles she gave so I can look them up to continue learning after the course. I loved this course and really appreciate the meaningful one-on-one teaching style employed.”

Fetal Monitoring Class Attendee

“Fabulous Presentation. Every nurse needs to see this.”

“Awesome presentation, thank you so much for sharing.”

“AMAZING presenter!”

AWHONN National Conference Attendees

"For the first time in all my required continuing education, I walked away from our postpartum hemorrhage simulation feeling like I had fun!  Jen made the important information memorable.  We actually had a  situation within weeks that required many of the elements we reviewed in the simulation and I had no problem remembering.  If all clinical education could be this creative and engaging, I would sign up even when I wasn't obligated to."

Katie Himel | Certified Nurse Midwife

Check out the blog:

You Don't Need Another Documentation Course!

Aug 16, 2021

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