How’s your week going? Attempted insurrections aside, I’ve been gearing up for some big, positive events coming up in the next two months and want to make sure you have all the details about them!
I currently have a few live events coming up, including:
All classes I offer provide CEUs, so be sure to check these out and forward this email to any colleagues you think would benefit. The Spinning Babies workshop honors birthworker colleagues of color by offering several free slots to show appreciation for what they do. If you or someone you know are interested in one of these slots, please email me at jen.atkisson (at) gmail (dot) com.
Excited to learn with you this spring!
PS. And if you haven’t checked it out yet, I’ve got a pretty great booklist of must-reads for any birthworker to dive into 2021 equipped with inspiration and confidence in their work in the world. You can find that here, and I’m directing all proceeds from book sales to some pretty rad community health causes.
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